Why Cleaning Produce Matters
Ethan Sullivan
| 27-01-2025
· Food Team
Removing dirt and any residual chemicals from fruits and vegetables is an important step in food preparation.
While social media trends advocate for using solutions like baking soda or vinegar, experts suggest simpler methods can be just as effective and safer for cleaning your produce.

Risks Associated with Residual Chemicals

Certain substances used in farming have been linked to health concerns. While the levels on food are usually low, many people prefer to minimize their exposure. Experts note that the effects can vary depending on the type of chemical and level of exposure, but using proper cleaning techniques helps ensure safer consumption.

Tap Water Is Your Best Cleaning Tool

Plain running water from your faucet is the most effective way to clean produce. Both the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration recommend rinsing fruits and vegetables under cool water. Using soaps or other commercial cleaning agents is discouraged because produce can absorb these substances, potentially leading to health issues.

Avoid Soaking Produce

Soaking fruits and vegetables in water may seem thorough but can lead to contamination. Germs from one item can transfer to others in the water. Additionally, letting washed produce touch the sink can introduce more bacteria, as sinks often harbor unseen contaminants.
Cleaning Techniques for Different Types of Produce
Fruits and vegetables vary in texture, and some require extra attention:
- Delicate Items (e.g., berries): Rinse gently under cool water to avoid damaging them.
- Leafy Greens: Separate the leaves and wash each one thoroughly.
- Produce with Crevices (e.g., cauliflower, melons): Use a brush to scrub the surface.
Even thick-skinned items should be cleaned to avoid transferring contaminants when peeling or cutting.

Don’t Skip Scrubbing

Friction plays a key role in removing dirt and residues. Use a produce brush or your hands to gently scrub the surface. Ensure that your cleaning tools are sanitized regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Opt for Certified Produce When Possible

Certified items grown using natural methods tend to have lower levels of synthetic chemicals. While these items can be more expensive and less accessible, they are an excellent option for those who want to further reduce exposure. However, even certified produce should still be rinsed to remove dirt and natural microorganisms.

Storing Produce Properly

To extend the shelf life of your fruits and vegetables, store them in a clean, dry environment. Consider investing in storage solutions that help preserve freshness, ensuring your produce stays edible longer.
Cleaning fruits and vegetables properly doesn’t require elaborate methods or expensive solutions. Regular tap water, combined with gentle scrubbing, is sufficient to prepare safe and delicious produce for your meals.


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